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Ejercicios para practicar el Tercer Condicional

Si no recuerdas cómo se forma el tercer condicional en inglés te recomiendo que repases primero la lección correspondiente.

Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando los verbos entre paréntesis y el tercer condicional en inglés.

If I (study) more, I the (pass) the exam.

Mark (phone) me if he my (not/lose) cell number.

We (not/ take) a taxi if the public transportworkers (not/ be) on strike.

Mom (take) us to the beach if it (not/rain).

If I (know) you were coming, I (meet) you at the airport.

I (buy) them a present if they (invite) me to their wedding.

If we (take) a map with us, we (reach) the village in time.

If Emma (get) up earlier,she (reach) the train.

If I (not/go) shopping, what (you/ eat) ?

If you (pay) the fine, you (be sent) to prison.

She (not/ visit) me if she (know) I was busy.

We (fly) to Spain if there (be) the right flight.

My dad (not/marry) mom if she (be) a poor lady.

If the wall (be built) properly it (not/break) down.

If I (be) more careful,I (not/make) so many mistakes.

I (arrive) there in time if the weather (be) better.

If I (have) more time, I (do) my homework.

If Nina (behave) well, my aunt (take) her to the zoo.

If I ____ (not/listen) to the stereo, I ______ (hear) the doorbell.

If he ____ (come) with us to the cinema, he (enjoy) himself.

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