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Ejercicios para practicar el Primer Condicional

Si no tienes claro cómo utilizar el Primer Condicional en inglés repasa primero la lección.

1. Completa las siguientes oraciones usando los verbos entre paréntesis y el Primer Condicional.

- If his friends _____________________(come), he _____________________(be) extremely happy.

- If I _____________________(save) enough money this year, I _____________________(go) to New York.

- You _____________________(stay) at my place if you _____________________(come) to my city)

- His parents _____________________(be) upset if he _____________________(not/pass) the exam.

- If I _____________________(pay), you _____________________(owe) me some money them.

- If they _____________________(do) the homework, I _____________________(take) them to the movies.

- I_____________________(give) you a car, If you _____________________(graduate) from college this year.

- If she _____________________(fix) the TV, we _____________________(watch) our favorite TV program tonight.

- I _____________________(noy/go) to school, if it _____________________(rain) tomorrow.

- If I _____________________(attend) dance class every day, I____________________(become) a really good dancer.

- My best friend _____________________(be) quite happy, If she _____________________(get) a new job.

- If we _____________________(meet) on Saturday, we _____________________(talk) about our wedding.

- If you _____________________(practice) English at least one hour a day, you _____________________(be) fluent in two years.

- If you _____________________(not/do) the dishes, you _____________________(not/go) the party.

- He _____________________(not/speak) with me ever again, If____________________(not/go) with him to the meeting.

2. Hay un error en cada una de las siguientes oraciones, encuéntralos.

- If Jane got the new job, she’ll need to move to Poland.

- I’ll pass that exam if I studied a lot tonight.

- If I have enough money, I would go to Australia next summer.

- After the movie will finish, meet me in front of the cinema.

- We’ll have a picnic on the beach when the weather will be warmer.

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