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Ejercicios para practicar el Future Simple con "Will"

Actualizado: 8 nov 2022

Si no sabes de qué estamos hablando, por favor, repasa primero la lección sobre el Future Simple en inglés, o como todos le llamamos, el futuro con Will.

Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando los verbos entre paréntesis.

- I _______________________(do) this later.

- We _______________________(go) shopping.

- It _______________________(not/rain) tomorrow.

- Peter _______________________(call) you.

- _______________________(It/snow) ?

- He _______________________(not/believe) us.

- They _______________________(be) there.

- _______________________(she/forgive) me?

- The bus _______________________(not/wait) for us.

- The sun _______________________(shine).

- _______________________(What/say/he) ?

- We _______________________(not/start) to watch the film without you.

- She _______________________(go) to her sister's wedding.

- My sister hasn't studied enough. She _______________________(not pass) the exam.

- When _______________________(your brother return)?

- She _______________________(not learn) how to drive when she's eighteen.

- She _______________________(answer) all his questions.

- _______________________(You bring) me a glass of water, please?

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