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Ejercicios para practicar el Present Simple y el Present Continuous

Actualizado: 24 nov 2022

Si no recuerdas cómo utilizar estas formas verbales te recomiendo que primero repases la lección sobre el Present Simple en inglés y el Present Continuous en inglés.

Si no has hecho antes los ejercicios de estas dos formas verbales te sugiero que los hagas antes de hacer este. Ejercicios del Present Simple y ejercicios del Present Continuous.

Lee atentamente las siguientes oraciones y elige si debes poner el verbo entre paréntesis en Present Simple o en Present Continuous. Observa bien.

- Mary never _____________________ (watch) TV on weekends.

- The drugstore ______________________ (not / close) until nine o´clock on workdays.

- _____________________________ (he / move) to London this month?

- They ______________________ (come) because they are busy.

- John ___________________________ (work) at the hospital near my place.

- My father and I __________________________ (love) sunbathing.

- ___________________________ (you / like) flamenco guitar?

- My friend Tom _________________________ (organize) a party next Friday night.

- Italians _______________________ (make) the best pasta.

- What ______________________ (you / do)? I´m playing the piano.

- What time ___________________ (you / go) to bed?

- We __________________ (go) to the cinema this Friday.

- What is that noise? Somebody ___________________ (play) the piano.

- He _____________________ (go) on holiday every winter.

- Days _____________________ (be) longer in summer.

- She ______________________ (have) a shower at the moment.

- Right now, she _______________________ (run) down the hill.

- Oak trees__________________________ (grow) very slowly.

- My dog ____________________ (not / eat) vegetables.

- Is his job, he usually __________________ (stand).

- Where is Kate? She ________________________ (watch) TV in the living room.

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