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Ejercicios para practicar el Present Simple

Actualizado: 30 sept 2022

Si no recuerdas cómo se formaba el Present Simple puedes repasar la lección.

Completa las oraciones utilizando el verbo entre paréntesis.

- I sometimes________________ (go) to work by car.

- Ben __________________ (work) in a hospital.

- ______________________ (you/like) fish ?

- She __________________ (not / teach) English.

- Matthew never _______________ (watch) television.

- _______________________ (she / play) football?

- They always __________________ (eat) dinner at seven o´clock.

- We ______________________ (not / live) in a big house.

- Valerie ______________________ (study) English at university.

- _______________________ (he /want) to eat?

- Samantha ____________________ (play) tennis twice a week.

- She __________________ (think) Manuel is crazy.

- They _______________________ (not / know) what to say.

- __________________________ (she / feel) ok?

- He _______________________ (not/be) a relative of mine.

- I ______________________ (not/ know) who she is.

- She ______________________ (whas) her car every week.

- Paul _____________________ (sleep) seven hours a day.

- Mary and John _____________________ (be) my cousins.

- She always __________________ (win)

- James _____________________ (cry) very easily.

-She ___________________ (pray) in church every Sunday.

- Sarah _____________________ (not / like) pop music.

-________________________ (John / play) football everyday?

- He usually ___________________ (have) a good breakfast in the morning.

- He ___________________ (like) video games.

- My friends and I ___________________ (not/play) basketball at 11:00 am.

- He ___________________ (use) the computer every day.

- I ___________________ (not/play) coffee in the morning.

- He ___________________ (tidy) his room sometimes.

- My teacher ___________________ (not/use) the mobil phone during the lesson.

- Jeremy and his brother ___________________ (study) at home.

- The students in my class ___________________ (not/read) books every day.

- They ___________________ (watch) TV in the morning.

- I ___________________ (not/ride) a bike in Mondays.

- Sometimes they ___________________ (go) outside.

- They ___________________ (learn) maths from recipes.

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