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Ejercicios para practicar el Present Continuous

Actualizado: 11 jul 2022

Si no recuerdas como se forma el Present Continuous en inglés puedes repasar la lección.

Completa las oraciones utilizando los verbos entre paréntesis.

- I ____________________ (work) now.

- Nell _______________________ (not/watch) TV at the moment.

- They _____________________ (go) to the cinema.

- ______________________ (you/ call) your mother?

- John _____________________ (read) the newspaper.

- _______________________ (Valerie / study) English?

- We ______________________ (not / play) video games in this moment.

- I _____________________ (not / drink) water.

- We ______________________ (know) her.

- I ________________________ (write) a poem.

- She _____________________ (leave).

- We ______________________ (build) a house.

- Paul and Jennifer _____________________________ (study) French at school.

- Peter _____________________ (leave) outside.

- Tom __________________________ (teach) English at high school.

- You ___________________________ (make) a great effort.

- They _________________________ (tell) Mary what happen.

- I _______________________ (watch) TV right now.

- She _________________________ (play) volleyball this afternoon.

- ________________________ (It / rain) ?

- She __________________________ (not / watch) TV.

- But they ______________________ (not / play) in the garden.

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