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Ejercicios para practicar el Segundo Condicional

Actualizado: 12 jul 2022

Recuerda que si no sabes cómo se forma el Segundo Condicional en inglés puedes repasar primero la lección correspondiente.

1. Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando los verbos entre paréntesis y el Segundo Condicional.

- If I (have) a car, I (drive) to school.

- If she (speak) foreign languages, she (get) a job more easily.

- I (go) to a lawyer if I (be) you.

- If I (win) the lottery,I (prepare) myself for a new life.

- If I (find) a purse on the sidewalk, I (take) it to the lost and foundoffice.

- If I (have) my own car, I (not/ have) to take the bus to work every day.

- Jane (be) very happy if someone (offer) her a job.

- If she (see) a mouse, she (panic).

- If my dad (earn) more, we (spend) our holidaysabroad.

- She (not/cough) so much if she (stop) smoking.

- If I (give) my son a lot of money, he (spend) all of it.

- I (try) to get a betterjob if I (have) a universitydegree.

- If you (see) a dangerous animalin the street, what (you/do) ?

- If dad (work) harder, he (not / have) to ask his boss for more money.

- I (see) my friends more often if I (have) more free time.

- I (eat) the meat if it (not/be) so salty.

- If she (ask) for more help, I (not/turn) her down.

- If I (know) her address,I (send) her an invitation.

- If he (not/ be) afraid of heights he (travel) by plane.

- I (take) more photosif the camera (work) .

2. En cada una de las siguientes oraciones hay un error, encuéntralo.

If I was taller, I would be a basketball player.

If John would ask you on a date, would you go?

If Brian won the competition, he had be very happy.

If I were you, I would to go to Barcelona in the Spring - the weather is much nicer.

I wouldn’t do maths at school unless I didn’t have to.

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