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Ejercicios para practicar el Past Continuous

Actualizado: 11 jul 2022

Si no recuerdas cómo se forma el Past Continuous te recomiendo que primero repases la lección.

Completa las siguientes oraciones usando los verbos entre paréntesis y el Past Continuous.

- We _______________________ (play) video games yesterday at 3:00.

- What _______________________ (he/watch) on TV when you arrive?

- Howard _______________________ (like) the movie.

- My parents _______________________ (work) when I came home.

- In 2010, we _______________________ (live) in a small flat in London.

- She _______________________ (listen) to music when I called.

- _______________________ (It/rain) when you left?

- Julie _______________________ (sleep) at 3 o´clock.

- Mr Black _______________________ (not/work) in his study when the murder happened.

- I_______________________ (watch) a film.

- The phone rang while I _______________________ (have) breakfast.

- It _______________________ (get) dark when I left them at home.

- They _______________________ (drink) coffee the afternoon.

- Mark and I _______________________ (not/run) in the hall!!

- _______________________ (It/rain) last night?

- Why _______________________ (she/cry) ?

- She _______________________ (not/wear) your hat.

- I _______________________ (play) with my sister.

- Carl and Mark _______________________ (shop) at the mall.

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