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Ejercicios para practicar el Used To

Actualizado: 11 jul 2022

Si no recuerdas cómo se forma el Used to en inglés te sugiero que primero repases la leeción.

Completa las oraciones usando el Used To y los verbos entre paréntesis.

- I _______________________ (smoke) when I was in my 20s.

- I _______________________ (be) a vegetarian when I was a kid.

- There was a time when she _______________________ (work) late.

- She _______________________ (live) in Madrid.

- Peter _______________________ (not / smoke) a lot.

- My daught Laura _______________________ (be) a bad student.

- _______________________ (They / visit) us?

- They _______________________ (talk) for hours.

- Steve _______________________ (not / arrive) late.

- _______________________ (she / drive) to work?

- They _______________________ (eat) togueter.

- I _______________________ (not / do) much skiing.

- _______________________ (they / let) you smoke in cinemas?

- We never _______________________ (have) electricity in our house.

- When _______________________ (they / live) here?

- John _______________________ (not / like) Mary when they were teenagers.

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